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Part two of the news:

Weather Civilization 6's Gathering Storm as the nautical Phoenicians
Dido is the latest Civilization 6 leader to be added to the roster in Gathering Storm. You might recognise her from such things as the founding of Carthage, Virgil’s Aeneid and her pop career. She leads Phoenicia and is, according to Firaxis, a pretty good pick if you fancy dominating the world by subjugating the oceans. She can also move her capital around, because who doesn’t need a change of scenery every now and again?

PC Building Simulator leaves Steam Early Access with Nvidia hardware in tow
At long last, PC Building Simulator is no longer an Early Access simulation on Steam. It's now a polished and finalized product with a few newcomers to the fold, including Nvidia.

Destiny 2's latest update buffs Golden Gun, nerfs Blade Barrage
Today's Destiny 2 update brings a big buff to the Gunslinger's Golden Gun, including a 40 percent boost to damage inflicted on bosses and an increase in the Six Shooter base damage from 275 to 300. Scoring kills with the Six Shooter will also get you a bullet back, and you can never have too many of those. It's a different story for the Blade Barrage super, though, which had its impact dialed back, and can now also kill the user if you cast it too close to your target. Thanks?

Electronic Arts is halting FIFA Points sales in Belgium
Electronic Arts has announced that, as of the end of January, it will no longer offer FIFA Points for sale in Belgium. Players will still be able to use coins and the in-game transfer market, and any existing FIFA Points will remain for use as usual. But new points, used to acquire FIFA Ultimate Team packs, will not be available for purchase.

American McGee is working on 'design, art, and story' for a new Alice game
In July 2017 American McGee told people to stop bugging him about making a new Alice game. In September he threw up his hands and said fine, he'd look into it—with the proviso that it was ultimately up to EA to make the call. Now he says that he's working on the project, called Alice: Asylum, in earnest.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions is coming to Steam in February
The augmented reality collectible card game Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions did not make the 2018 release that was predicted in its announcement last year, but Games Workshop and PlayFusion said today that it will roll out on Steam in February.

Quantic Dream wants to makes games for all platforms
Detroit: Become Human studio Quantic Dream announced its partnership with publisher Netease yesterday, using an android, Chloe, from its last game to spill the beans. It’s an odd, highfalutin video with a fictional character trying to get gamers excited about the Chinese publisher’s investment by calling it the start of a new story “full of hope, dreams and passion”. It was almost a shame that I couldn’t write about it, Quantic Dream being a PlayStation developer, but then it announced it was going multi-platform.
>> CGI made a thread about this yesterday.

THQ Nordic isn't ruling out more timed exclusives like Metro Exodus (updated)
Update: THQ Nordic has clarified its position on Metro Exodus being an Epic Games Store exclusive. Yesterday, the publisher said it wouldn't comment on the deal, which was made by its subsidiary, Koch Media. A post on the investor website, however, does go into more detail, breaking down the structure of THQ Nordic and its subsidiaries and supporting the time exclusivity deal. You can read CEO Lars Wingefors' statement below.
>> I no longer know if THQ agrees on this practice, or they're just trying to cover what Koch Media has done.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.