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Microsoft now has a total of seven new studios, so there's a chance that the same number of new games will be announced this year.

And yes, I know that most likely these games won't release this or next year (even thou some of these studios said that they were already working on something at the moment of the purchase) but to that I should remind you that Death Stranding, Days Gone and TLU2 were announced in 2016.  And Nintendo even "won" E3 2017 with just a logo (A LOGO!).

Not to mention the fact that we haven't really seen anything from Battletoads and Halo Infinite so the fans of those franchises are eager to see more of them.

But I gotta say, if E3-2018 did nothing for you (like really, when was the last time that ANY company announced the purchase of five studios all at once?) then there's a high chance that nothing they do this year will do anything for you either.