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I guess I'm still on the extended tutorial (chapter 2) as the missions are still very rigid. My favorite part so far is setting a way point back to camp after a mission, entering cinematic mode and watch him auto navigate through the world. Yep it certainly looks like a movie, just the game play lags behind so far.

Minor nitpick is that it's slowly turning into a next gen nagging simulator. Your stamina core / health core is empty, find some food. Your horse is dirty, you should clean it. Your gun is dirty. You horse's health / stamina core is empty, you should feed him. You lost your hat. Contribute to camp. Your dead eye core is depleted. And the all the people asking / screaming for help when you're enjoying a quiet ride back to camp. Then there is all that traffic! Even at night the traffic never ends lol.

It's oh so pretty though. Just wish they had given the same attention to game play and controls and less focus on turning it into a survival light sim. At least it hasn't asked me to take a piss yet :) I reckon my horse made it back to camp by now with the bear pelt, on to the next mission.