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Despicable behavior. Glad this lunatic was caught. Lol, and what sort of imbecile sends a bunch of bombs, each of which end up failing, and doesn't think in this post- 9/11 age that they'll be caught?

My mentality has always been - political belief and ideologies have a degree of subjectivity to them, but direct physcial threats, violence, riots, harassment, etc, is NOT subjective, and anyone who engages in them instantly becomes the problem.

At the same time, anyone who makes an outlandish claim like Trump somehow incites violence also needs to acknowledge the current left is largely doing the same ("there will be civility when we're back in power", "confront them in the street", "get in their faces" calls to lock Trump's son in a cage and have in assaulted, multiple calls by the left for assassination, wives of repubs sent rape and death threats, Kathy Griffin's severed bloody Trump head, Antifa riots, Republican shooting at a baseball game, Candace Owens harassment at a restaurant, media sensationalism etc etc.. Either you're of the opinion both sides have resorted to violence or neither have. You don't get to pick and choose unless you wish to blatantly show your bias. Etremist elements from both sides often have a tendency to be violent. That shouldn't discredit the more sensible majority on either side.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden