My parents used to tell me that while our countries politics were shitty, there are countries with better standards where corruption and hypocrisy don't reign supreme and they talked about US. They made it seem like it was this Uber powerful nation that had the entire world in it's grasp and were much farther ahead in tech than any other country and their military was so powerful but everyone was accountable and they made no distinction between president and poor person. Now I realise that they were highly mistaken or they were trolling me cause this country is so damn d'corript, they have am archaic 3 party system where both parties are corrupt, hypocritical and ruled by oligarchs. Their military is the strongest but is also kind of a joke(if you find militaries killing innocent people in foreign lands funny) and they are no longer the leader in tech, They have a horrible healthcare and education system and their infrastructure is just horrible. Also they act like cartoon caricatures of themselves for some reason. Now I can only laugh in disbelief at the stupidity of America and the naiveté of my parents/ or the awesome way they trolled me
User Banned By ~ PwerlvlAmy
Last edited by PwerlvlAmy - on 16 October 2018Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also