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Amnesia said:
"He's racist, homophobic, sexist, highly religious,"

I could not explain that shortly, even heavily with my english, but when I read such a thing, I immediately trust the person responding to this description.
I am french, so I am vaccinated against this kind of description. These are exactly the adjective that we use to discredite someone. You just forgot "antisemit" and we are complete.

Bolsonaro is so blatantly racist, homophobic, sexist and highly religious that it's really hard to believe if you're an outsider. It's not one of those cases of people overexaggerating or calling the person racist, homophobic and sexist just because they don't like them. I'll give you a few examples:

Racism - "I was at a quilombo (places previously inhabited by slaves escaping, but now inhabited by their descendants). The slightest afro-descendant weighed 7 arrobas (230 pounds, measurement used to weigh cattle). They don't do anything. I don't think they even serve for procreation anymore."

Racism - "Has anyone ever seen any Japanese begging? It's a race that has shame in its face."

Racism - When asked by Preta Gil, a black woman, about what he'd do if a son of his fell in love with a black woman, he said "Preta, I’m not going to discuss promiscuity with anyone. I don't run that risk because my children are well educated and they don't live in the promiscuous environment such as is, unfortunately, yours."

Lying about history to excuse racism - "What debt [of slavery]? I never enslaved anyone in my life. Look, if you really look at history, the Portuguese didn’t even step foot in Africa. The blacks themselves turned over the slaves."

Xenophobia - "The scum of the world is arriving in Brazil, as if we didn’t have enough problems to resolve." (Talking about immigrants, mostly Senegalese, Haitian, Iranian, Bolivian, Venezuelan and Syrian)

Homophobia - After same-sex marriage was legalized, he said "It's a mess. The next steps are the adoption of children and the legalization of paedophilia."

Homophobia - "I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I wouldn't be a hypocrite. I prefer that he die in an accident than show up with a moustachioed man."

Homophobia - "If one's son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he'll change his behaviour."

Homophobia - "I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up."

Homophobia - When asked about gay rights, he said "So let’s respect the pedophile’s right to have sex with a 2-year-old?"

Homophobia and misogyny - "Over time, due to liberal habit, drugs, with women also working, the number of homosexuals has really increased. I also tend to say if your son starts hanging out with certain people with a certain behaviour, he'll adopt that sort of behaviour. He'll think it's normal."

Misogyny - He said "I would not rape you. You don’t merit that." to a congresswoman, and then when asked about it on an interview he said "She doesn't deserve it [to be raped] because she's very bad, because she's very ugly. She's not my type, I'd never rape her. I'm not a rapist, but if I was, I wouldn't rape her because she doesn't deserve it."

Misogyny - "I have five children. There were four men, the fifth I got weak and it came out a woman."

Dictatorial behaviour - "The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing."

Dictatorial behaviour - "We're going to shoot all the PT supporters in Acre." (PT is the opposing party)

Against any minority - "Since we are a Christian country, God above all. This history of a secular state doesn't exist, no. The state is Christian and the minority that is against it can leave. Let's make a country for the majority! The minority must bow to the majority. Law must exist to defend the majority! The minority suits itself [to the law] or just disappears."

High religiosity - "Brazil above all, God above everyone." (that's his campaign motto)

Those are just some few examples of what this monster has said throughout the almost 30 years he has been working as a politician. See how it's not an exaggeration to call him racist, homophobic and sexist?