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Mnementh said:
TheLastStarFighter said:

I’m not sure where you get the idea that personalities are inversely linked to outward appearance. That seems a bit superficial, and based on nothing.

Well, while it seems unconnected, where is some relation. A hot looking girl with bad personality usually gets away with more than a not so good looking girl. It's probably the same with guys. This doesn't mean good looks always imply bad personality. But good looking persons usually have less incentive to change their behaviours.

So you honestly think woman develop their personality based on how men respond to them?  That’s a bit misogynistic, and ridiculous.  Has female rejection made you kinder?  When you developed an interest in video games, was it to impress women because your looks weren’t enough?  I can see it now:  a young girl plans to train to be a vet because of her strong marks in school and love of animals.  She may even head to Africa to treat baby giraffes...but no, men find her pretty so fuck that.