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The expected part of a larger trend, although an incipent one.

The same views are held by the native whites that are more religious and have more children. A few generations back this demographic feature didn't exist, but now the gap is large enough that religious apostasy won't be enough to sustain the secular trends on the western world. Combined with high immigration and birth rates of conservative muslims and africans, do fully expect to see a slow but sure shift away from more progressive politics in Europe in a few decades or so.

This is already predicted by demographers such as Eric Kaufmann and those at the Pew Research Center. Eventually, there should be many examples akin to the shock of California Proposition 8, but with whites more strongly voting along religious rather than age brackets. I have no idea how more liberal parties would react - back to opposing immigration, like in the 70s and 80s, but on ideological lines rather than employment concern? Who knows.

It's funny, in a world with people like Geert Wilders, that it's those immigrants the most likely ones to bring Europe back to the "good old days" of family values etc.