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I don't think it'll be hard to beat either. I'll probably get hate for this, but those two franchises' main entries get biased reviews by critics. In reality, they're both probably low 90s on Metacritic if critics weren't so up in Ninty's ass.

Nintendo are good devs but they don't make perfect or close to perfect games. There are several problems with both Odyssey and BOTW that haven't been addressed by critics. Odyssey has less of those and I feel those could of easily been rectified with longer game development. BOTW on the other hand, had too many that are classified as design flaws. So I would ideally say, that what could beat Odyssey this year?

I'm not sure, we'll need to wait till E3. I haven't seen a gameplay video for a 2018 game that has caught my interests yet. If RDR2 has online BR and a proper single player campaign then so be it...but I need more gameplay videos.