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This kind of stuff always gets attention. It's volatile and gets people talking because it confirms or preys upon fears and agendas. "Immigrant attacks woman", "Black man rapes white woman", "White man beats innocent Muslim", "Cop shoots unarmed black male". Stories like this jump out at you. Sometimes, they're just made up.

I remember back when I was a cop. The area I live in was roughly 50/50 black and white. I got a call--i honestly can't remember what the initial call was but when I got there, a white female was laying on the floor next to her overturned wheelchair. She said she was raped by a black male. I immediately called for backup and different agencies from all over were looking for this black male who left on foot in our rural town. A few hours later, everyone left and my investigator friend told me the whole thing was made up. She just wanted attention.

The media, in their rush to report the news, probably didn't investigate as thoroughly as they could have, or (more likely) just reported the story as it was reported to the police. Certain stories just gain traction as national headlines. Remember "Balloon Boy"?

Nobody looks good when false stories are reported. Just hope that the people who use these stories for political gain are paying attention when they're revealed to be false reports.


*Edit* I live in the United States and haven't heard this story, btw