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Well, other then my plea for help yesterday, it has been a long time since I have posted in this thread since I haven't gotten any plats at all lately. But that changed today, and I have finally got my 3rd plat DQH2. I felt it necessary after platting the first game, but unlike DQH the plat for DQH2 is very frustrating and takes much longer. DQH took 60 hours to plat, DQH2 took 120 hours. 40 of 120 was Story, and the other 80 is probably composed of mostly monotonous grinding. Also I probably afked for 5-10 hours. Which mind you seems to be a very fast plat for this game as many others said it took them 150-200 hours.

At least 10 hours killing 3667 roseguardins for proficiency. At least 10 hours was spent on trying to get Mimics to spawn. They have a 1/7 chance to spawn and this level has 7 chests, in order to access this level I had to go through 3 loading screens. It dropped on the 39th kill, so I had to access this level 39 times and run around the entire map 39 times and go through 117 loading screens for a single drop. Worst of all was that more then 20 hours was spent on the final achievement, ie the weapons. I had to kill a boss over 400 times for RNG drop at about 25%. So say I get 100 of those well I need 18 unique weapons from them, but they can form into 26 weapons and they each cost 50k gold. So what did I have to do? grind more for gold. Finally after getting really tired of the RNG of a 1/26 chance that cost 50k gold each, I did a special map for the last weapon where it is still RNG 25% chance based on the characters you bring.

All in all DQH Plat was much more fun, and oh man RNG should be nerfed.