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Bandorr said:
I am actually quite amazed at what a huge train wreck this was.

They had 7 to 8 years to come up with a better health plan. Instead they came up with disaster, after disaster.

The House passes a bill. Not because it is ready, but because they are desperate for a photo op and a thumbs up hoping the senate will do all the work for them.

Which ended up with the Senate ALMOST passing a bill they DIDN'T want to pass. Think about that. They Senate almost passed a bill they were afraid the House would pass. Several Senators had to demand pink promises to NOT vote on what the senate JUST voted on.

Something they were actually right in being afraid of, because it sounds like the House was ready to enact "Martial Law" and immediately sign the damn bill. Desperate for another victory.

It is almost like a movie though. Mccain is the tie-breaking vote allowing this disaster to continue forward. It is then Mccain who puts the final bullet in the beast.

This was never about health care, it was about altering tax structure to favor wealthy donors. I'm glad it is failing and an embarassment for those that supported it.  Single payer medicare for all hopefully by 2023 assuming 2018, 2020, 2022 got he way to supporting that shift.