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My expectations have been tuned to low!
By the looks of it, Nintendo is not really interested in showing off 2018. A shame.
I think Retro will show something and my guess is that it's either a shooter or an action/adventure type of game.

My dreams would come true if Nintendo announced a Super Mario Bros 4/SMworld 2 (a direct sequel)/SMB 2 direct sequel.
A SNes mini would also make me happy, too.
Would really like to see a true MarioxSonic game!

My second biggest dream is also a direct sequel do the first Zelda...
When i saw the "game" they created to make BoTW, NES style, i really liked it and it reminded me that going back to that Zelda type of game would be great!

Also, i have seen Nintendo doing really great graphics/artwork with Mario 3D World and BoTW and i really wish Nintendo would create a new IP that can be, visually, as good as those 2 games - even if it more like BoTW.
Either an action/adventure or platformer would that visual quality would be awesome!