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Goatseye said:
thismeintiel said:
Lol, and a bunch of people come to prove my point. Poor excuses to why their side isn't as bad, knowing full well that if Hillary won they would fully support her firing him. Even if he was still investigating her emails. Both sides are just freaking pathetic on this.

Why wasn't he fired under Obama?

Why would Obama take that kind of hit to his credibility for a woman who he isn't exactly in love with or exceptionally friendly with. Especially during an election. And especially since Comey was HIS appointment.

Machiavellian said:
thismeintiel said:
Lol, and a bunch of people come to prove my point. Poor excuses to why their side isn't as bad, knowing full well that if Hillary won they would fully support her firing him. Even if he was still investigating her emails. Both sides are just freaking pathetic on this.

What is your point because it appear to be based on an opinion that is not taking in all the facts.  This has nothing to do with Hillary and everything to do with timing.  Nobody cares about Hillary anymore, what we do care about is that when the heat on an investigation start to go up, the person providing the heat is fired in the middle of it.  What you are saying is the excuse and looking for blame.  What everyone else want to know is why now and they do not want the very weak excuse concerning Hillary emails when the same administration praised Comey on the situation.  As many has said it looks like obstruction of justice and a cover up and thats the real issue.

It is not an opinion.  It is fact that Hillary would have fired Comey.  People in her party were hinting at it. They wanted it. They ran a freaking #firecomey campaign.  And you can bet your ass that there would be no outcry from the media or Dems if she did. They only changed their mind now because it is a Rep in office and they can rile up their base and score political points.  The fact is the President can fire the FBI director whenever he so chooses.  And no screaming and kicking from the left can change that.  And the same goes for the opposite if Hillary did it, with the right saying it was only for revenge and politics.  

And don't confuse this as a defense of Trump, cause I don't care if he were impeached.  What I'm pointing out is the BS on both sides, including voters making poor excuses as to why their side isn't so bad, excusing corruption and hypocrisy.  Something that is blatantly obvious in the Stephen Colbert clip.