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Destiny 2 is not a huge loss in terms of what the overall gaming audience is into, its certainly not a Call of Duty level game at this point.

Call of Duty I wouldn't be so sure won't come to the Switch.  I don't think that's a certain thing at this point.

Red Dead is unfortunate... but its Rockstar and a pretty adult game that will likely be graphically pushing boundaries. That one is probably the biggest loss but also the most obvious. 


I do want to point this out- the Switch just came out a few months ago. A lot of these games were heavy in development and maybe even DONE (essentially) before the Switch came out. Generally a big new game is not going to be developed for an unknown factor console, particularly after the Wii U trainwreck.

I'd say if the Switch sells well through this year then 2018 would be a better year to determine if the systems going to get third parties on board. We currently don't know if more big 3rd party stuff will be in 2017, but the system is just too new to really have expected a big jump in from developers. Again, after the Wii U why would anyone be lining up for a hybrid dangerous concept.

if the Switch gets none of the big EA or Activision stuff in 2018 then I'd say it would be fair at that point to start suggesting that Nintendo had failed to get them on board again. Wayyyy too fucking early now though to begin speculating