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Didn't vote for him and it's going as poorly as imagined. Trump is a child. He has severe narcissistic tendencies that cripple his ability to think critically. He has difficulty grasping how our government works. Even more alarming has been his admission that so many of the things he wanted to do have been harder than imagined. He's clearly mentally unstable, unknowledegeable about critical domestic and foreign policy issues, and doesn't understand how the world works. The sheer incompetence of his administration is appaling and even scarier when we see the possibility of traitorous Russian collusion.

I fear for the future of this country and world under him and this current generation of republicans. I don't think most Trump supporters will regret their choice anytime soon but I'm 100% sure history will look unfavorably on Trump and his supporters decision to elect him. Best case scenario, democrats win back congress and remove him from office or some moderate republicans grow some balls and do it before hand.