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Ka-pi96 said:
taus90 said:

How can u ignore the fact that there are many more muslims around the world who are more liberal than these people, but u choose to generalize a religion based on the mentality of few extrimist minority and ignore the large number of those muslim and the message they wanna spread, are you oblivious to the fact that religion for these people is just mere catalyst for their barbaric mentality, just remove islam from the equation and put a different religion or belief it wont change their backward culture and the way they have been brought up.

Actually... it would!

For starters islam is (as far as I know) the only religion that advocates killing anybody that doesn't want to be a part of it anymore or anybody that draws an image of some dead old dood. So replace it with a different religion or belief and it's already a little better.

And then, I'll admit I don't know how accurate it is, but it does certainly seem the case that the culture many (if not all) muslim majority countries have is specifically centred around islam. So remove islam and obviously the culture would have to be different since it wouldn't have something to be centred around any more. Sure, it could end up worse... but the odds of that seem pretty unlikely.

Well no islam doesnt advocate killing of anyone be it a sinner or who wants to practice different religion, again you are buying into these vocal minorities belief who have twisting what islam is all about, jihad as i have studied is the act of protecting ur beliefs in that religion within that community, and not force other or let anyone else force their values, but u can see how easily it can misintereprated to an illiterate person for their personal gains, for majority of these hot head people best defense is offense. hence their version of jihad is killing in process giving it a bad image.

And if any countries law or culture is centered around a specific religion it is bound to be doomed, not just islam.. Infact few islamic countries wit law centered around it are the only countries who have been doing well compared to other religious centric countries.. example, UAE, Malayasia, Turkey, Egypt.. Compare this to Srilanka, bangladesh, nepal to some extent even India is gravitating towards it.

All i am saying is just do some research about religions and culture, even i was once hell bent on believoing islam is the religion that preachs killing, coz thats what i got from media, but i just didnt understand if it is so bad why are so many people hung on to it.. No religion is bad its just the people backward ass people.

And i dont want to preachy or anything (i guess that train has left :P)... The views which you have about islam is similar to that of these so called fanatics have about other religions, the only difference is you have been brought up with a higher moral authority by the well interconnected society.