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Fuck no. Do not destroy it. Just because the artist wasn't the race of the person she depicted doesn't mean she shouldn't have the right to create art of those of a different color. That in itself is segregation and racism. Regardless of your color, people feel pain all the same way. Just because she wasn't black doesn't mean she can't feel persecution, discrimination, etc. Also the whole 'cultural appropriation' (thats where you dont like people acknowledging/celebrating your culture, right?) movement is complete garbage. If you don't want people to take part in your culture then fucking do the same you hypocrite. Don't use American made internet, eat Asian inspired food, or use clothing that originated from a culture that wasn't your own e.e And to those people, you don't need to be black to understand pain/suffering. That comes in a variety of different colors and forms. It's called being a decent fucking person.