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Gaming Discussion - - View Post

Yup, I am not going to get/play any of those. "Gaming" has lost its appeal for me years ago because it's just another mass industry now (building the same formula on the same engines over and over; it's not really about spectacular new stuff and passion on the devs' side anymore (there are few exceptions, of course; I'm playing Rocket League all the time myself which is such an exception); just going the safe way because money). I still got the niche stuff and the rare modern game which feels like the way gaming was 10-25 years ago (not talking about how better graphics suck or online is boring btw, those aren't the fundamental reasons; but "back then" it was great to see what devs could do within all the limitations of the hardware).

Now I'm not even buying any new console anymore. After all, it seems gaming grew into other trends, trends that most people seem to like but I don't. Just like your favourite music artist may jump genres and you are like "omg no". And that's ok tbh.