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Not counting a few little things I played for less than an hour, here are the last few major games I played

1. Gravity Rush 2 (PS4) Recommend? YES

I liked the first Gravity Rush perhaps a little more than would be considered rational or fair, but regardless of flaws the game had a sweeping soundtrack, breathtaking art direction, and a really likable protagonist. I just happened to also enjoy the divisive gameplay and controls as well, and I consider the sequel to be superb. Highly recommended for fans of superhero games looking for something a little more alternate and off the beaten path. In a fashion similar to Spiderman 2 back in the day, it reinvents the way you traverse the world through its hero's power, which to me makes it very special. It's also just a super feel good, colorful game, and didn't deserve to bomb like it's clearly doing right now.

2. Final Fantasy 15 (PS4, Platinum) Recommend? Depends...

Great, but not the tent poll masterpiece I had in my head watching the trailers over and over before release. The ingredients are all there, strong characters, an incredible world, killer music, satisfying combat, and even a great gameplay loop (perhaps a first for the series?), but it doesn't come together in just the right way thanks to hobbled direction and poor storytelling and pacing. You're always confused as to what's driving your characters through each little wing of the story, and at the credits I just couldn't help feeling a strong sense of wasted potential. Still enjoyed my time with it, and found the gameplay itself far more enjoyable than just about any other Final Fantasy I can think of.

3. Life is Strange (PS4, Platinum) Recommend? YES

Life is Strange has a lot going for it thanks to its engaging characters, setting, and writing. My GF and I were well connected to the conflicts and emotional waves in each chapter, and while it didn't quite stick the landing at the very end, it managed to impress us in a lot of ways. This is a great game to share with another person, and a mark of high quality on the PS4's (and Xbox One's) library.