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To be honest I don't get the complaining. There's not any substantial day one content, which is great. You get a shirt and a few chests. Locking a difficulty behind paid DLC sucks, but correct me if I am wrong, Naughty Dog did this with Last of Us and Grounded mode? Maybe I am not remembering correctly.

$20 is nothing. People are whining that Nintendo has embraced the evil sides of gaming, this isn't even close. Day one exclusive DLC for preordering, plus Gamestop exclusive DLC, plus an Amazon exclusive preorder DLC bonus, plus some exclusive day one weapons in the Limited Edition, plus a $50 season pass with a couple dungeons and some new weapons. This would be Nintendo going HAM with current trends in gaming. Oh, wait, you gotta throw in some type of monetized loot system with random rewards.

They're charging $20 for new content long after launch, a new difficulty mode, a trial, and some meager extra content in game. Seems like a non-issue to me.