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Boom. That list seems explosive, but wait a moment...
Most of those titles are crappy titles from crappy developers. So, what's so exciting about more and more crappy games? Total destruction of PC computer games industry, I say. While consoles games are getting better and better every day, most of good PC game developers are leaving the industry and heading to the unholy land of consoles. Instead, PCs are being overwhelmed by foul creations of foul companies who are new in the industry and trying to get better so that they can get their hands on console devkits and start developing console games. PC is turning into an airport for newbies, and when they take off (if they are good enough to take off, off course), you won't see them again. Off-course we will still be seeing titles like Starcraft 2 in the years to come, but really, how many are they?

P.S. Just take a look at some of those titles. "Hard to be a God", for example. That game is one of the worst RPGs I have ever played, and I have played MANY RPGs.