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If Trump wants to win in 2020, he'd have to live up to a lot of his campaign promises and the Democrats will have to put up a weaker candidate to go up against him.

A throwaway candidate, as it were.

I have a lot of trouble seeing Trump actually pull off a lot of what he said, or doing so in a way people like. I also doubt the Democrats will spend the 4 years since resting on their laurels.

Bush won in 2004, the only popular vote taking Republican since his father in 88, in the midst of a war focus, though towards the end of his peak. If the event had been even a year later, Kerry might have won in the midst of the Katrina disaster and Iraq growing more and more toxic.

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?