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Ka-pi96 said:
konnichiwa said:

I honestly like Canada, their is only one thing I don't like it is the climate, I have some sort of winter depression/sickness so Canada would be hard for me.  But at the same time while I like Trudeau as a person I feel some are turning against him, the unemployment has risen the last months (while the rest of the world is going down) the debt looks to going to increase faster and higher thanks to him and while I support how he treats immigrations and immigrants...I think he opens the way for Canada to have more extreme candidates aswell.

Honestly the markets are expecting a recession to happen soon and if it is trump/Clinton/Bernie or Ronal Mc Donald it will happen and I think it will effect Canada aswell. It will probably lead to more debt and unemployment and people will feel the country is nice to new Canadians like Omar/Lee/Gonzales but what about the Canadians like Justin/Melissa/Terrance and Philip?   I would not be surprised see an Canadian Trump version popping up in Canada so in that way it USA politicans like Trump could conquer Canada.

South Park reference? :o

Yeah was to lazy to look up real names =p.