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For starters, they're all sketchy allegations against Bill Clinton to start with. And as far as I can see, there's only one case where Hillary supposedly silenced someone.

What does it mean to me? Well I don't think as much of Bill Clinton anymore, but I think the allegations(if true) means that Hillary is power hungry. Is that a bad thing for a US President? I don't really know. Either way, it's a drop in the bucket compared to Trump's list. You wanna tell me how you defend those?

Heck Trump has rape allegations too. Why doesn't that bother you? His wife wrote in a book that Trump once raped her but later had it retracted. I think the retraction came around the time of the primaries.

This is the problem with Trump supporters.  For every criticism you have, we have ten far more serious, and scary criticisms against Trump.  Half your criticisms are against Bill, another quarter of them are debunked.  The only real thing you have is the email scandal.  What does that mean?  She's an old woman who doesn't like technology.  Now that she's gone through all this trouble, I'd be shocked if she ever did anything similar again.  

Now if it was Trump?  I can honestly see him taking top secret information out of the white house and using it to blackmail the government with later.  That's the kind of person he strikes me as.