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0D0 said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

How does it get more complicated outside of the demo? The demo just had all of my party members autoattacking, and I could move a wheel to change my lineup, and do ultimate attacks. That was the extent of combat. Super simple IMO. 

You need to take care of a lot of things during battle, for example:

- There are the types of yo-kai you set to battle
- The order of them on the wheel, since you can't change the party position during the battle
- The target is also interactive, you need to tell your party what target they need to prioritise
- To use purify command, you need to put them to the back of your wheel. The purify requires a mini game.
- The special attacks called soultimate requires a mini game too.
- You need to wait until the soultimate attack recharge.
- There are the items too.

The battle is real-time and the mini-games creates a good sense of urgency. Also they make you focus only on the move you're trying to deploy. So, if you make too many soultimate moves you spend them too fast and can't check what's going on with the battle and how your targets behave. I mean, it gets really confusing sometimes and fun.

The demo is too easy.

So nothing new after the demo? I experience everything you described in the demo and was unimpressed. It seemed like I was playing Dragon Quest with all my characters set to auto-attack. I think there's more strategy in actually having command over your characters. Having your buffing party member randomly give a physical buff to your magic attacker doesn't help. Also, having party members randomly choose what attacks to use on enemies is much less efficent than choosing what they do for yourself. NO NO NO! USE THE ICE ATTACK! HE"S A FIRE DEMON YOU DUMB AI!!! 

I'm keeping my eye out for Yokai Watch 2. Hopefully they make the combat more interesting.