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Dunban67 said:
CosmicSex said:

Why do you feel that the moderator was biased?  I thought he was too nice on both of them.  Trump didn't need to deny the Iraq war statement that he did in fact make.  That was a softball question because he was a private citizen when he made the statement: end of story.  But he keep lying because he hadn't prepared for the question.  Hillary got the hardest question of the night about her emails but she didn't get defensive, accepted responsibility for her mistake, and was able to wrap it up really quickly.  She was prepared.   

he did not ask Hilary about emails, Bengahzi (sp),  Clinton Foundation-  he did not ask her any follow ups on her "hot spot issues)  -  He asked Trump several follow ups on his-  He had several "Candy Crowley moments"  as they related to Trump- none re Hillary

He did ask about emails.  Like in reality.   So I refuse to argue that.  Bengahzi?  No one cares.  Four years ago Obama was asked about that at the debates.  Let it effing die.   I feel that they should have brought up the Clinton Foundation so I agree on that point because even without going to conspiricy theories what are her plans for the orgization once she is president?  Will she keep accepting donations?  She has to step down at  the very least.   There are so many things that the moderator could have gotten Donald on because he has supplied so much ammunition.  You have to understand how easy Donald had it.  All he had to do was answer the questions.  I agree with your point that Hilary's answers might not be true, but at least she had enough respect to answer the damn questions.  This is so basic.  It was so childish.  He needs to be prepared, calm and focused.  Have answers to easy questions and don't get defensive when there is no reason to.