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Kwaad said: Like I say. I have 4x4 ATV Offroad Fury or whatever it is. I highly doubt Excite Truck is much better. I just dont like that type of game. Motorstorm is less like that type of game, and more like something new.
Yeah, that game wasn't a very good concept to begin with, so don't compare it with Excite Truck. Don't automatically assume that they're the same. They're totally different. Excite truck if you technically look at it, is not a racing game. It's more stunt driven and yes, it does have it's fair bit of crashes; not as dynamic as Motorstorm though, I'm sure. I'm just saying that excite truck IS a different game than the traditional "Get there first and bump everyone else to the side" racing game. Motorstorm is a unique game, sure, but you can't say that excite truck isn't. And yes, I guess you're right about the frame rate. It SHOULD get better when the full version comes out. EDIT And no, I do not think Kwaad is homosexual.

Yeah, I finally have a sig.