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Normchacho said:
John2290 said:

Oh really? You think putting up the LGBT/gender meshing crowd as the current face of western society is a good idea to the people who are trying to blow up Europe one piece at a time is a good idea? You think not focusing on the actual peoples welfare (migrants and all) instead of their gender is first on the to do list? Anyway, you are proving my growing suspicion that a soviet cold war mind fuck worked on the west and we are slowly but obendiently sleep walking off a cliff.  I'm aware of how ridiculous that sounds but what sounds more ridiculous is a teacher not being able to call there students "girl, lady, madam or woman" under penalty of law. Trump is more ridiculous. Stutnex is more ridiculous. Turkey's "security measures" are more ridiculous. The Brexit is more ridiculous. And above all, this pronoun list is insane... 

I think it's cowardly and sad to suggest that we should dictate our lives and how we treat one another based on what terrorists think.


As I said, we can do both. We don't need stop focusing on one problem to deal with another.

I still dont get what the Soviet Union has to so with any of this...


You know what I think about that list of pronouns? I don't give a shit about it. Who cares? I don't give a shot about whether teachers call students women or girls or god damn unicorns. It's not worth my time to think about. But if it matters to someone else that I use certain pronouns and not others, fuck it, fine, whatever. Because once again. I don't care.


If someone tries to silence someone that has a different opinion from them, that I have a problem with. If someone tries to deny someone service because of what they think of who they are, that I have a problem with.


But these garbage fights against people asking that we just be a little bit more respectful to one another are bullshit.

I realize that these threads are nothing but a waste of time.


Most of time the people we complain about are nothing but a minority- LGBT, feminazis, Super SJW's, age sliders, etc.


I guess just ignoring it ends up making life so much better. Removes all the stupid arguments and stress that comes out of it.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.