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Well, now I finally beat Bravely Default through the normal route

I was initially planning on running through the game and beating it for the sake of beating it, but I ended up getting a lot of the extras and collecting the Genome Skills, as well as grabbing all the treasure in the Dimensional Hasp. I think I have logged about 100 hours into this game, and though I'm slightly tempted to play New Game+, I think I'm done with this game for good.

I really like the battle system, though I don't feel it's new with the Brave and Default system because I have played other games where you can save up your turns and such. That said, I enjoy playing JRPGs with a classical turn based system so I didn't find it unenjoyable. Being able to change the random encounter rate is an amazing feature that I used to the max, by turning it off when I'm going to a boss and raising it to the max to grind for exp and whatnot.

What I dislike about the game is also the battle system. Despite me liking the classical turn based gameplay, it can be really tedious and annoying at times, which I felt more than I would like playing this game. Boss battles are painstakingly long (especially Airy and Final Boss) and if they cast a team wiping move that you are not prepared for, you have to start the whole battle all over again (even with the Time Mage skill). However, since I dropped the game twice, I switched the difficulty to easy and it made the boss battles a Lot easier, though a handful of boss battles are still difficult without the proper strategies (I use the Poison BP method :p)

I really like the dual paths in the game, allowing you to shatter the crystal early to get the false end, making it open for you to choose when you find out the lies. However, the story is worthless and is really bad. Despite breaking the JRPG stereotype of the 4 heroes saving the 4 crystals, you still have to go through the process of doing so anyways. To get the normal end, you have to saving the crystals 5 times each and you fight the same bosses guarding those crystals. All the side bosses are the same each time around too and only until Chapter 7 and 8, where they pair up the bosses together to make it slightly different. Ending was also very stereotypical with the heroes from other worlds using the power of friendship to boost you to beat the final boss... That said, it was a neat idea for the boss to destroy a world to regain full power so that was interesting to think about

The Final Boss itself had 5 parts and since I played the game on Easy, it wasn't hard at all, just tediously slow. I use the Poison BP method (Poison > Poison > Poisona, where 3 of my 4 units have BP recovery so they gain 2 BP when hit with Poison), so it could partly be my fault for using a [sort of] cheese method to fight all the bosses.. The team wiping move is sacry but not enough to ake my whole team down so he wasn't bad at all, though his move that disables your character is really annoying

Aesthetically, the game looks good. I really like the hand-drawn cities though some of the character models look a bit strange. The music is good as well, and there are a few songs that do shine, and none of the songs are annoying but isn't enough for me to look for a music albums :p

Overall, is a good game with a bad story. Would only recommend to some

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