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Volterra_90 said:
OneKartVita said:
Chazore said:
Love Jims vids and watching a few of his "squirty" plays. His choice in giving awards to 5 games instead of just one is a nice way to go about it, everyone wins int he end.

Can't wait to see his 5 worst though.


His worst 5 prediction: 

The order 1886, 


Devil's Third,  

Amiibo Festival,  

Random PC Game. 


What do you think? 

He liked Battlefront, so I don't think it would be on his "worst game" list, even if he despised the bussiness decisions behind it (who can't blame him?). So maybe just because of that, he could mention it. But, he actually plays a lot of shit games (Steam ones, very bad horror games, a lot xDDD) so who knows? 

Devil's Third is a given though. I adored his sentence about it:

"It’s just some shooting and slashing, clumsily stitched together and presented with all the class and style of Donald Trump’s flaccid penis."


And yet devil's third has become an extremely sought after treasure.  I just don't get this industry sometimes.  


@lawlight he just judges games on their merits.  If it deserves praise I gets it indie or not.  And I see what you're getting at.  So let's just be clear he is a massive critic of a huge number of the shovelware type indies the pc is plagued with.  He only rewards the good ones and they're quite a few good ones!