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To me, the car analogy doesn't go far enough.  I see it as trucks versus cars.  The trucks being the latest version and greatest for 4WD offroad HD (heavy duty) excitement, which is what the fanboys have been wanting for years.  And now Nintendo can't handle building the hardcore trucks and came up with a wimpy version called a car.  Now sure, the car can go on dirt roads, but off road, no way.

Still, some have always bought trucks for other  uses.  Transportation, hauling stuff.  And new buyers of cars are showing up.  Buying the cars for the nicer comfortable ride, and better gas mileage.

In the long run, cars have a larger audience to sell to, and therefore will do better.  Doesn't give you the heart pounding thrill that an offroad  truck might give you, but it definitely has its own advantages.

Do cars and trucks compete with each other?  I think that they do.  Is it a choice of buying one or the other?  Not really.  For some, they only want trucks as always.  Others will only want cars, and never ever touch a truck.  And of course, there will be some that want both.  If they can afford both.  If not, well, there is where the competition lies. 

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.