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Looks like we should be expecting around 20 titles a month from now on. Here's a snippet from an interview with Mike Ybarra from Windows Central:

"Jez: So, how far are you guys planning to push backwards compatibility? We're getting around 100 titles next week, do you have any idea of how often those titles are going to come in? Could we eventually see the entire Xbox 360 library on Xbox One?

Mike: We certainly want to have a regular cadence that we give updates for Xbox 360 titles. Our biggest obstacle there is working with publishers and getting their approval for the older titles. We continue to work on that right now, I would say, it varies in response across the publishers. Some are like "yep, let's go, rock n' roll" and others are a little bit more thoughtful about how they want to think about that. It's hard for us to promise, I'll just make something up, 20 titles a month from now on, because it really depends on the publisher enabling us to release those titles. Certainly we want to release a set of titles on a regular basis that customers are asking for, that can provide value to them."

Full interview here, with other delicious Xbone info:


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