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It's personally my favorite game of all time, next to bioshock infinite.Two games with apparent cut content too, but critically acclaimed. The character arc and development of quiet and Elizabeth are incredible, quiets ending gave me them feels, she put up so much because she loved you. I cried like a baby, the twist however was obvious to me, Kiefer Sutherland voices both the medic and snake, plus the plethora of YouTube theories. Great gameplay and something that emotionally ticks for me see what I consider masterpieces, its truly something when a game makes you feel something that resonates with you, a real tangible experience. Forget the cut content, take the game for what it is. Crazy to see people complaining scenes not in the retail version that were showed off 2 years ago. Most games today are too worried about telling you what to do, scared of trusting the player, while a game like MGS, or say Dark Souls throw you into the fray, reward you for your intelligence. I know MGS 3 & 4 had better bosses, arguably a more complete feeling, but in the end this is what we got, complaining will not fix anything. Now hopefully Konami remakes MGS 1 and 2 with the fox engine, maybe even 3