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It's funny how people are trying to say he's wrong when it's his own opinion.

Plus what he said is true anyway. VR probably won't be the future of gaming because not every type of game will work well with VR, only certain types. It's the same thing as saying that motion controls were the future of gaming, and for a while they were and they did offer some great experiences, but they only really worked well for certain types of games and look at how they are barely used now.

The only way VR would ever even be the future of gaming anyway was if everyone had one, therefore it would have to be bundled with something or come with a system. Sort of how Microsoft wanted Kinect to be huge and supported more so they bundled it with every Xbox One at first so that way everyone had one if they bought an Xbox One.

VR is great to see, but it won't be the future of gaming. It will be something that's hyped up about at first and will be cool to see in use but I think after a while it will end up just like motion controls. Now of course I could be completely wrong and maybe it will take off hugely, but like it has been said most factors and signs currently are pointing to it not happening.