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Funny thing:
For not so famous musicians Spotify is as bad as piracy if not worse. They barely see any money at all, even from peaople that bought their music until recently. Big studios still make money though.

Piracy mainly is an industry thing. The content indurstry tells us that piracy is as bad as rape and murder, that they are losing money massively...

People who download or copy stuff likely would not buy it at all or at least only a very small percentage of it. Take all those music downloads since the early days of Napster. People who have thousands of albums and compilations that before rarely bought a CD.
Teenagers with hundreds of C64, then Amiga and then Playstation games. If you wheren't copying you could afford a handful of new releases a year and maybe some more discounted older games.

Basically people that pirate wouldn't buy as much as they copy or download. They'd buy a really small percentage of it.

Now the content industry calculates let's say 20.000.000 downloads of Ant Man * 15$=300.000.000 loss. That is ridiculous. If not plain stupid.

Then there's the names. Piracy in English. It's actually not like you're sailing arround intending to murder people, is it?
Raubkopie in German, Raub meaning robbery. No it is not like actual robbery. Things i copy are still there. I don't take them away.

Illegal download or illegal copy does not sound that bad though.

Another funny thing, content industry and royalty for goods widely linked with copying media. In Germany there is a royalty on discs, disc drives, printers... for the content industry. The content industry basically gets money because you probably could copy content. No matter if it is a legal or illegal copy. No matter if you copy at all.

The BAD things:
People creating content don't get money from a copy. I'm not even talking about major studios. I'm talking about artists, programmers...
Shopkeepers don't see any money as well. Again not to talk about the bigger companies.
Question is, how much do they actually lose.

People might not be willing to spend much money for content if they get it cheaper/for free. Though i think that this would have to be proven.