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Aeolus451 said:
Snoopy said:
Aeolus451 said:

This I can agree with. I haven't seen any site or news article that mentions anything about the Xbox One having a lot less games than the PS4. I typically see a lot of positive news about the Xbox One honestly. Good marketing or biased news or unbiased news? Definitely not the latter of those.

PS4 doesn't have many games when you factor out all the ps3 games and hardly anyone in North America or Europe cares about niche jap games especially when they score badly (which seems to be most ps4 jap exclusive games) . 

Umm.. Yeah. That's a flatout lie.  Did you ever bother to read up on any that or did you just act like a parrot and repeat anything the most devout of MS fans tells you? To think some people actually wonder why we bring up list wars so much. It's to break down MS fibs.

If you take out the timed exclusives, the PS4 has 138 more exclusives than the xbox one that's out now and that are scheduled to release.

As of now, there's 196 games available on the xbox one and 337 games available to play on the PS4.

It's obvious with the PS4's continued success with no price cuts or gimmicks that it's the favorite console of this gen. It's the console gamers want worldwide. 

Japanese games are niche? Please. They sell very well but of course they don't sell the best out of all games. It's not like we're talking some strange Japanese sport.  

Niche and japanese games don;t count bro cause reasons lol. mroe games and diversity is a bad thing bro apparently. I mean who wants the Industry leader to support all kinds of games and experiences? Only big AAA marketed games man LOL. He is clearly trying to spin a narrative.  The lows peope stoop too for a piece of plastic./


Many xbox exclusives dont sell but he only mentions games on PS4....he is massively biased. I mean Sunset bombed, Drive club outsold forza.....What did ori sell thats niche doesn;t count lol.