Punishment (Rule breaking) |
(Ctrl + F: Participants and Event Planning: Point#3)
1. Posting three or more times in an weekly challenge thread when you are not a participant will automatically kick you out in the next weekly challenge. You will also receive no warning post in that week's challenge thread as well. And posting in the next week's challenge thread will result in you being banned in the following week's challlenge event.
(Ctrl + F: Participants and Event Planning: Point#5)
2. Not being able to participate in more than two weekly challenge when you signed up for them will result in you being automatically disqualified for the following week's challenge. We understand plans change but continuous absence is not tolerated in this challenge. You will be punished.
Ctrl+ F: Recording your attempts: Point #1)
3. If you fail to record your time when starting a level and Miiverse doesn't record it right, your stats for that week's challenge is not recorded.
Ctrl+ F: Recording your attempts: Point #2)
4. If you fail to record your time when failing or completing a level and Miiverse doesn't record it right, your stats for that week's challenge is not recorded.
5. If you are banned (not kicked out) for more than two weekly challenge in a month, you are banned for the entire month. No ifs or butts. We don't tolerate rule breaking in this event.
6. If you are banned formore than two months of weekly challenge in a row, you will be banned for the next month as well.
7. If you are banned for more than four months of weekly challenges in a row, something is wrong with you.