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One of the best selling videogame franchises and probably the one with the most explosive growth ever, the Wii series of videogames (not the hardware, the videogames with Wii on the title) has gotten a bit of a reputation during the latest years of the Wii and during the WiiU lifespam. A lot of people think that the franchise is as finished as the Wii brand, and in some respects they may be right. After the explosive growth of the Wii ended, the best selling Wii title during the 8th gen is Wii Party U, a game that sold around a million and a half and included a controller packaged with most copies. The original sold five times that, and if we compare Wii Sports with Wii Sports Club, the difference may be the biggest decrease on sales on a franchise ever.

A lot of people think that Nintendo will get ridd of the Wii brand altogether, and that may be for the best. But what will happen to the Wii series of videogames (again, not the hardware, the videogames with Wii on the title)? I seriously doubt they would just stop making them, they were extremely cheap to make and even in small quantities they can make a profit. The Miis, an element associated with the Wii brand, has been used in a variety of other projects, like Pilotwings Resort (a PilotWings game set on the Wii universe), MarioKart, Super Smash Bros, Tomodachi Life, Miiverse...

The influence of the Wii brand is too big to just erase, but that brand has also been holding Nintendo back in the eyes of many. And so, with the next system glooming on the horizon, Nintendo has to make a choice of what to do with one of its most unique franchises.

When the NX comes out, What will Nintendo do with the Wii brand and everything associated with it? That includes the Wii Fit games, Wii Sports, Party and other miscelaneous (music, chess...), Miis...

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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