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I've often wondered if it's on a spectrum with sexual orientation. Just like some people have a thing for much older people etc.

The reason it's so looked down on, is because we naturally look out for our young and have a maternal/paternal instinct to protect them from any dangers. This is a clear danger and so most people's maternal/paternal side will close down instantly to quash the threat.

Paedophilia itself isn't a crime. Acting on it is. It was very interesting there was an article a while back looking at whether people should be encouraged to come forward and admit they are paedophiles in return for support. However the vast majority of the social media response to the article was "eugh no lock them up and throw away the key sick bastards".

Personally I think we should encourage paedophiles to come forwards for help, because if it's pressing on their minds so much, they clearly know the impulses and urges they feel are ones that shouldn't be acted on. Why force them into a closet where the first we know of it is when someone has been assaulted? Especially if that could have been avoided with therapy.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.