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If Sony and MS had waited until this year to relese their systems, this would have happened:

-PS3 and 360 would have sold 90m each already.
-WiiU would have sold a couple million more and have a couple more multiplats, but nothing spectacular.
-Vita would have sold a couple thousand units less, sales related to the remote play.
-We would have a ton of remasters as launch titles.
-Both PS4 and the XBone would be more powerfull, but still far from PC standards. The gen could have lasted one or two years more.
-People would be impatient, lots of flamewars over the overdue systems.
-The OUYA would have dominated the market by 200:1, and it would have gotten the title of 8th wonder of the world, ended all war and created a cure for cancer using puppy love.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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