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Depending on the amount of users that join, one of two things can happen. When there are less than 12 players, we will host a room and you can just join. In the case of many players, you will have to join both of our rooms. We will post for which user to join. For both methods, you will have to add my/Ultrashroomz NNID, but you do not have to add everyone's NNID. Please post and show up 10 minutes before the starting time, so we can begin on schedule.

If something happens, and  you can't take part, don't just "not show up". Please inform me beforehand so we aren't waiting if at all possible. Repeated missing of the tourneys will mean automatic exclusion from any future tourneys, and your points total to be reset to zero.

Most important thing as usual is to have fun, but do try your best!

Once again, please be here about 10-15 minutes before the tourney is due to start. Post here when you're online and ready to go, then at the start time the group leaders (Ultra for Group 1, myself for Group 2) will enter and post. It is imperative that you then enter the tourney promptly thereafter, but not before. Odds are on that we will enter on exactly the hour; but do check before entering (even if it means lots of refreshing!)
There should be 9 people in each group (see below). After the eight races, the best six from each group will move onto the "Finals" tourney. Here, there will be five more races to decide the ultimate VGC champion, so try your best! The whole thing should last approximately an hour.
If you wish to join, please say so ASAP!

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."