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ArchangelMadzz said:
sc94597 said:
Didn't people say there was a drought for Wii U? Which is it? Was Nintendo releasing games or not. Anyway there are a handful of 85+ retail exclusive games on the Wii U while PS4 has one. Since I have a PC multiplats are bought on that. People always mention how PS4 and XBO have exclusives over PC, but I am not seeing it this generation. Why should I as a PC gamer get a PS4 to play one game - Bloodborne. When I can ge a Wii U instead and play a at least five >85 exclusive games.

That's if you value metacrtic. I played both Driveclub (71) and Resogun (85) and I enjoyed both but I enjoy Driveclub (still play it to this day) leagues more than resogun which the law of metacritic shouldn't allow. But people have personal preference.

I could do the same thing for Wii U games though. That number of exclusive titles goes from five to something like fifteen if I include titles in the 70's and low eighties.

As for your other reply, I'm pretty sure by this time in the Wii U's lifecycle it had: Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country: TF, Pikmin 3, New Super Mario Bros. U,  Lego City Undercover and  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate as exclusives over 80. If we were to include fan-favorites like Wonderful 101, ZombiiU, and New Super Luigi U, we'd then have a total of something like nine decent exclusives by the end of March 2014.