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When i was younger, i slept with a lot of hookers, mostly hispanic. Its not something i'm proud of, but i definitely don't regret it - these women were gorgeous. Also, they spoke Spanish and i could never understand what they were saying - that made them perfect. Of course, nothing good can ever last, and eventually the police cracked down on the whole trade in my area, most likely because they were no longer satisfied with their cut of the profits. Whatevs. For a while after that i became less interested in sex to the point where i became a bit worried.


One day though, i was walking behind some women in the mall and i got a rock hard erection, like the ones you got when you were 14 and hadn't jerked off for days. THe reason? - two women in front in front of me were fairly good looking and conversing in spanish. In some weird Pavlovian way, i had become trained to associate the spanish language with an erection! it was truly fascinating. Now i'm in a steady relationship and everything is great except for one thing. My girlfriend keeps asking me why every time we have sex i insist on playing Dora the Explorer in the background.