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Yeah I think in some ways its too late. Nintendo does have quality that is unmatched by anyone. The issue is the uninformed parent who is going to the store. Or the "informed" fan who doesn't know what they are talking about.

If the Wii and PS3/360 are the same price, you can sell the HD consoles with limited effort, unless the person is seeking out Nintendo products. Its a certainty if these controllers come out they will be as advanced or more so than the Wii-mote. It is also certain that they will come with some sort of Wii Sports rip off bundled.

Thats the problem with doing it first. Both companies can make an exact replica, add one or two features, and claim to have the better version. To gamers like us here we can see that its just desperation for market share, but to someone watching the add on TV or reading it in a magazine you will see only this.

"Wii-like controller with more accurate movements, on a console thats more powerful with more features for $50-$100 more."

And I'm not saying this is the complete end of the Wii. But it would definitely end all dominance depending on how hard they push this controller. They will feed off the Wii, much like the 360 fed off the PS brand and claim to be better. Its not head on competition with Nintendo, more of a leap frog approach.