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I think the downfall of colourfil cheerful games not selling anymore rest purely on the fact that its only really Nintendo these days that produces those games. This in turn isn't helped by the fact that they only appear console wise on the Wii U which just doesn't sell.

I imagine there are a high number of people who would love to get their hands on Mario, Zelda etc but cannot see the justification of paying £200 or so just to play literally 2 or 3 titles. Because in reality, alot of other Wii U titles are either available on the much cheaper Ps3 and 360 (with more titles to boot also) or in superior quality on the newer consoles.

Also, platformers on a whole seem to be on the decline on other systems which is a real shame as some of the best games I've played were platformers. The original Jak And Daxter for me is second only to the Mario series for a platformer.

And as others have said. The main issue is marketing. Everywhere you look its Assassins Creed this, GTA That, COD this, Far Cry that. All well and good but not so good when there are other games hiding away in the PS Store or Xbox Store that never get a mention anywhere. This generation for example The Last Tinker on the PS4 is a fantastic platform game (that looks good as well). It will never sell well because reviewers these days mark down games like this simply because they don't fit in with what is classed as the "norm". Yet games like AC:U can get slated to high heaven yet still come out of Websites with scores like 8/10 which is obscene.

PREDICTIONS FOR END OF 2015: (Made Jan 1st 2015)

PS4 - 34M - XB1 - 21m - WII U -12M