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On the bright side, a Protoss was dead.  On the sad side, there was now or had been Protoss.  So it was that as Space Marine Erin pondered this turn of events, the fear of Protoss added itself to the fears of death by nuclear holocaust and sheepsplosion.  The following morning, Space Marine Erin was getting ready for a big day.  As she gazed out of her quarters' window and looked down at the people below she saw one person running across a field.  She idly raised a finger, pointed it at the person, and made a "pew" sound.  The person fell over.  She looked at her finger accusingly for a moment and then dashed out of her quarters.

When all was said and done, the bodies of two Space Marines were recovered:  Nicklesbe (Marine) and HylianSwordsman (Marine).

Day 2 begin.