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Pending further analysis of this PM mess, I lean town on prof, and lean scum on Carl. That said, Carl's recent PM claims do help his case. It does seem like he has the same PM as mine. I had him as guaranteed scum, but now I'm not so sure. It does seem to imply he's town, especially with how sure he was before about his counterclaim, but his behavior with Nickles was stupid and his insistance on saying there are multiple, non nuker, mafia factions is stupid, and I'm just shocked to find he's town. Regardless, I'm not willing to vote for either until I sort this out.

I won't vote Wright for similar reasons. I think the PM mess implies he is either town or third-party, but I doubt I could clear that up without fishing for information I'd rather he not reveal yet in case he is town.

I'm for Sparks, he was one of my suspects. I didn't like his response to Nickles, which seemed to focus more on causing a reaction than actually laying out what was wrong with Nickles' argument. Too much "Really? Are you fucking kidding me? What even is this?" kind of bullshit empty statements,  and not enough "this makes no sense because X and Y, this seems scummy because X and Y," kind of statements. He also told prof here that this is "just a day one vote" and how prof convinced him that they were a good idea, even saying he's "not going to vote no lynch" then proceeded to ask if anyone besides radish wanted to do a no lynch. This seems scummy to me. One minute you're saying it's a good idea to push for a day one lynch, then the next you're encouraging a no lynch? Not to mention, Sparks attitude towards day one lynches rubs me the wrong way. It's "just day one" eh? It comes off to me as saying that it's okay to vote on iffy logic because it's just day one. Sure Sparks, let's just go around lynching whoever happens to have a lynch train forming because there's "no one better to vote for". Okay.

I'm for Astro. He's not around much and when he finally shows up he just bandwagons on Nickles and then removes the vote after a little pressure. He also contributes next to nothing.

I'm for Fabian. He thinks having a feeling should be enough for a vote, he dodges questions, gives empty fluff answers, thinks interrogating people is scummy, and I just get a similar vibe to when I was scum and didn't know what I was doing.

I think that's it for now. I'll decide my vote in a bit.