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Unashamably stolen from Gaf:

That's some HOT technology.
Cascaced Voxel Cone Tracing enables them to simulate lighting in real time (ray-tracing), and uses actual real reflections, and not screen space reflections like most games.

"The latest builds actually look a lot better than the footage in those videos now too because we're constantly tweaking and tuning.

The game is a bit of a crazy sandbox experience, we don't force you to do anything really and you can decide either collectively/collaboratively or egotistically to do whatever you want. You could just set up a picnic up in the hills if you like. (of course if everyone does that your beautiful vista might eventually become marred by the sight of the burning town in the distance, but hey, someone will do the work right?)"

"The response has been truly amazing since Gamescom.

We are kind of sticking our necks out a bit on this one, new technology and a new genre, it's been a huge challenge for us.

One side of the game people haven't picked up on yet is that it also has hints of a collaborative Animal Crossing in it (without drawing on that too much), but with kaiju and missile launchers! :)"


The PS5 Exists.