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Pemalite said:

As a PC gamer in the 90's....
PC gaming wasn't what I would call "low quality" back then, in-fact with my rose tinted glasses on, would consider it to be the golden era, there was almost half a dozen PC exclusives launched every month!

I thought the golden era of PC gaming is NOW! PC gaming has never being more healthy than it was before with it eclisping console revenues.

With titles such as Master of Orion, Dune, StarCraft, Diablo, WarCraft, Settlers, Sacrifice, Evolva, Battlezone, Age of Empires, Freelancer, Freescape, Starlancer, Wing Commander, Arcanum, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Baulders Gate, Battlefield, Black and White, Anno, Mechwarrior, Caseser, Chrome, Civilization, Alpha Centauri, Comache, Command and Conquer, Dark Reign, Total Annihialation, Elder Scrolls, Deadlock, Descent, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Doom etc' etc'.

Starcraft was an especially worthwhile title back in the day when PC was getting overshadowed by consoles. 

And if you ran with a 3dfx voodoo, you had Glide, you could run at 1024x768 resolution with 2x Voodoo 2's in SLI and you had the best-in-class image quality and performance when most console games were 640x480 or lower and only 30fps, in-fact back then you could run at a resolution equal or greater than some Xbox 360/Playstation 3 games!

These days... It's all crappy lazy console ports with very little time or effort.

As for SteamOS, I learn't not to doubt what Valve could do, when steam launched I laughed and thought it would fall flat on it's face... 75 million users later...
So, I'll take a wait-and-see approach.

I would also like to wait and see but this thing will literally crash and burn so hard like no other platforms before it ...